Officials Joins Poland 2027 Team in Cairo

Picture: © ZHP / Kamil Sorocki
In Cairo, the 43rd World Scout Conference is underway, with over 2,000 scouts from 176 countries in attendance. An official delegation from Gdańsk, the Region and National Government has also arrived in the Egyptian capital. Our representatives are encouraging conference participants to join the 26th World Scout Jamboree, which will be held in the capital of Pomorskie Region in 2027.

“Through hosting this event, we want to promote Gdańsk, Poland, as well as the values that underpin Scouting and are close to us as residents of Gdańsk. These values include solidarity, peace, and also thinking about natural environment and caring for future generations,” says Aleksandra Dulkiewicz, the Mayor of Gdańsk. “I am very pleased that we will be able to showcase all of this in Gdańsk in 2027 during the 26th World Scout Jamboree.”

Discussing the Future of Scouting in Cairo

The World Scout Conference is a unique event that gathers scouts from around the world every three years. It is a space where they collectively discuss the future of the movement, share experiences, and shape the directions for the further development of scouting. The conference is a time for important decisions about the future of Scouting, summarising events from the past three years, and working on strategic documents. The seven-day event is organised by WOSM (World Organization of the Scout Movement), and hosted by the Egyptian Federation of Scouts and Guides.

The conference addresses a number of important topics, including peace, sustainable development, youth leadership, human rights, and non-formal education. Engaging keynote speeches and workshop sessions provide inspiration for leaders of scout organizations in various countries.

The event is attended by partners from international organizations, including Amina Mohammed, Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations. International organizations involved in the conference include the World Health Organization, Alwaleed Philanthropies, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations Environment Programme, UNICEF, the World YMCA, the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts, Generation Unlimited, the Learning Economy Foundation, and IFRC.

During the conference, several decisions are made that will set the direction for the movement in the coming years. Delegates elect members of the next World Scout Committee and choose the hosts for upcoming World Scout events, including the 44th World Scout Conference in 2027, the 17th World Scout Assembly in 2029, and the 27th World Scout Jamboree in 2031.

See You in Gdańsk

Beata Rutkiewicz, Governor of the Region; Patryk Gabriel, Member of the Polish Parliament; Michał Braun, Director of the National Institute of Freedom, and Agnieszka Zabłocka, representative to the Marshal of Pomorskie Region have joined the conference.

The City of Gdańsk is well represented as well. Participants includes Aleksandra Dulkiewicz, the Mayor of Gdańsk; Piotr Kryszewski, Managing Director for Green Gdańsk; and Łukasz Kłos, Jamboree Coordinator.

The main purpose of our official delegation’s visit to the Egyptian capital was to promote the 26th World Scout Jamboree, which will be held in Gdańsk in 2027. Participants from around the world had the opportunity to learn about the key aspects of this unique venture through a presentation. This is an important moment, inviting the entire scouting community to participate in the event and experience a shared adventure in Gdańsk.

Each WOSM Member Organisation now has time to build a contingent leadership team and then recruit participants and adult volunteers who will support the organisation of the World Scout Jamboree in Gdańsk.

During their stay in Cairo, Pomeranian local government officials also had the opportunity to make valuable contacts and exchange experiences with representatives of countries that have organized similar events in the past. Much attention was devoted to discussions about the safety of participants in such large gatherings. This is one of the key issues for the organizers of the Gdańsk Jamboree, which is why it is important to draw as widely as possible on the knowledge and experience of others.

What is a Jamboree?

The World Scout Jamboree is a regular event and the largest of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM), the world’s largest member-based non-governmental organization, with over 57 million members. The Jamboree takes place every four years in different locations around the world. It is an event that one can only attend once as a participant – it is open to 14-17-year-olds who are members of national scout organizations. This largest educational event involves 50,000 scouts from all continents. It is an opportunity to learn about other cultures, collaborate, and learn through a variety of workshops and outdoor activities.

26th World Scout Jamboree Poland 2027
Supported by
Host Region
Chairperson of the Honorary Committee
Upcoming Official World Scout Events

Jamboree driven by values

As we get ready for the World Scout Jamboree, we pledge to follow ethical standards, norms, laws, and the internal regulations of the Polish Scouting & Guiding Association (ZHP) and the World Organization of the Scout Movement. All these principles are based on fundamental values - the Scout Promise and Law.
Copyright © 2019-2025 Związek Harcerstwa Polskiego, Jamboree Organising Committee. All rights reserved.

The World Scout Emblem is a registered trademark of the World Scout Bureau, Inc.

Pictures: © World Scout Bureau, Inc.; Getty Images; Pexels GmbH; ZHP/Zuzanna Gałczyńska, Karolina Pośnik, Matylda Hojnor, Karolina Piotrowska, Patryk Sikora, Weronika Małachowska, Agnieszka Madetko-Kurczab, Piotr Rodzoch, Karolina Pośnik, Arkadiusz Wydro, Sebastian Strachowski, Kamil Jasiński, Konrad Kmieć.


Organising Committee for the
26th World Scout Jamboree

Za murami 2-10
80-823 Gdańsk, Poland
[email protected]
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Organising Committee for
the 26th World Scout Jamboree

Za murami 2-10, 80-823 Gdańsk, Poland
[email protected]
tel. +48 58 58 59 007
The Organising Committee for the XXVI World Scout Jamboree has been established by Związek Harcerstwa Polskiego as a foundation under the Host Organisation Agreement, providing a legal entity for the planning and delivery of the World Scout Jamboree Poland 2027. The foundation is registered in the National Court Register held by the District Court Gdańsk-Północ in Gdańsk under the number KRS 0001022285. It has a tax identification number of PL-583-347-28-08 and a statistical number REGON 52467170500000. The foundation’s legal seat is located at Za murami 2-10, 80-823 Gdańsk, Poland.